• We are Harvard University faculty who share the goal of supporting academic, intellectual, scientific, and technical exchanges between Harvard and the people and academic institutions of Israel.

    Like exchanges with other countries and peoples, there are enormous benefits of academic interchanges with Israel and Israelis.

    We are here to support Israeli students and scholars at Harvard, during their time at Harvard and beyond.

    We are here to encourage academic exchanges, including research collaborations, between Harvard and the universities and academic institutions of Israel.

    We are here to promote exchange of students, scholars, and lecturers between Harvard and Israeli academic institutions.

  • We are just getting started but here are a few of our planned activities.

    • Weekly lunches on the Cambridge and Longwood Campuses for Israeli and Jewish students and scholars, and friends and supporters. Details to follow soon.

    • Be a resource for Israeli students and scholars who are visiting or studying at Harvard.

    • Be a resource for Harvard students and scholars on academic visits to Israel.

    • Serve as a clearinghouse for information about academic exchanges between Harvard and Israel.

    • Work to overcome any barriers to academic exchange programs between Harvard and Israel.

  • Any faculty at Harvard, defined as any Harvard community member that is teaching, advising, or directing research at Harvard. This includes positions of lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Please include your academic title and Harvard email address (or email address for Harvard-affiliated institution such as Boston Children’s Hospital).

    We do not accept anonymous signatures.

  • This group was started by two professors at different schools of Harvard:

    Jesse M. Fried, Harvard Law School

    Matthew Meyerson, Harvard Medical School

  • Yes, the signatories are listed on our website.

  • Harvard Faculty for Israel is purely about support for Israeli students and scholars and for academic exchanges.  We will not be making policy statements with regard to the government of the United States, of Israel, or any other nation or political body.